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клички игроков "Реала"Iker, for obvious reasons, is “El Capi,” although he’s also called “Culote” (look it up). Dudek and Adán don’t have nicknames. Sergio Ramos is “Cuqui,” which is what he’s called at home, and Pepe is “Pepinho.” Raúl Albiol‘s nickname comes from the national team, and is “El Chori,” for the size and shape of a certain part of his body. Carvalho is “El Abuelo” (grandfather), though this is out of respect for how he behaves on the field. Garay is “El Negro,” while Marcelo is “El Loco” (the crazy one). Arbeloa is “Robocop” because he spends a lot of time in the gym working out.
The nicknames for the midfielders are for the most part less original. Xabi Alonso is “El Señor.” Sami Khedira is just plain “Sami,” Lass is Lass, Kaká is “Ricky” and Gago replies to “Fer.” Granero is called “El Bohemio” for his tranquil character and because he likes retro things, while Özil is “Nemo,” for his resemblance to the title character from Finding Nemo. Di María is “El Angelito,” and Pedro León - in addition to Peter Lion, I assume – is called “El Tomate” as that’s a very important crop in his home province of Murcia. Finally, Canales is “El Niño.”
Cristiano is “Máquina” for his strength and ambition, and Iker usually greets him with a “¡Qué pasa, máquina!” Adebayor (already!!!) has several nicknames: “Manolito,” “Avatar” or “Adenabor” (look up what the fourth through seventh letters mean together as a word; this nickname has already become a twitter trending topic in Spain) while Benzema is “Monsieur” for obvious reasons and Gonzalo is “El Pipa.” No word on if the players have a secret nickname for teacher Mou that they wouldn’t dare say to his face.
| среда, 09 марта 2011
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клички игроков "Реала"
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клички игроков "Реала"